06.10 - 08.10.2020

'On 6-7-8 October 2020, EPALE is hosting an Online Community Conference which is open to the entire Adult Learning Community from right across Europe. The innovative online format will allow much wider participation and active contributions from a broad group of Stakeholders from all sectors and countries in Europe.

The objective of the event is to strengthen cooperation and knowledge exchange among Adult Learning Stakeholders; connecting experts, trainers, training providers and policy makers to help shape the future of Adult Learning in Europe in the uncertain years ahead. '

Quelle und weitere Informationen: https://epale.ec.europa.eu/en/blog/epale-community-conference


NKS EPALE Deutschland Nationales Panel - Erfolgreich im digitalen Raum Lehren und Lernen - Demokratie, Inklusion, Grundkompetenzen:
Deutschsprachiges Online-Seminar am 7. Oktober 2020 im Rahmen der EPALE Community Conference 2020: https://epale.ec.europa.eu/de/blog/nks-epale-deutschland-nationales-panel



Kategorie Berlin Transfer | Erstellungsdatum Montag, 14. September 2020 00:00 | Letzte Bearbeitung Montag, 14. September 2020 09:51 | Erstellt von Super User | Hits 855

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