Peter Ramsden is a Pole Manager for the EU URBACT programme helping cities to exchange and learn from good practices, as well as managing director of the micro-consultancy Freiss ltd, also focusing on social innovation and local development. He has worked in the European Commission, in the Regional Development Agency movement, in the public and private sectors and various think tanks. He co-wrote the EU Guide to Social Innovation and the guidance for Community-Led Local Development CLLD in Europe and was the lead author of the OECD paper “Innovative Financing and Delivery Mechanisms for ...

Aurelio Fernández López is Policy Officer at the European Commission's DG for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, Unit Social Policies Innovation and Governance. His previous EU positions include Chairman of the EU Social Protection Committee and Counselor Coordinator for Employment and Social Security of the Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU. Before this, he was Chairman of the United Nations Commission for Social Development in New York and Adviser of the Secretary of State for the Social Security Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in ...
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