Volkshilfe Österreich: THARA (Verena Fabris und Gordana Djordjevic)

In 2005 the Volkshilfe Österreich started the initiative THARA aimed at integrating Roma and Romnija into the labour market.
THARA’s aim is the integration of Roma and Sinti into the labour market in order to improve the socio-economic situation of the target group in Vienna and to create awareness in society for the existing inequalities and discriminatory practices Roma and Sinti are faced with.

Fostering the concept of upward mobility through education and vocational qualification in Roma/Sinti communities Roma/Sinti are empowered by means of education and qualification in order to improve their chances of gaining employment and/or creating other means of income. Community work is an important element of THARA, allowing for communication with the various Roma groups in order to gather information about the needs of the communities. Great importance is also given to networking with other associations, projects and NGOs working in a similar field. Other staples of the project are counselling services for Roma and awareness raising workshops mostly for NGOs, labour market institutions and projects and organisations in the health sector which are run by THARA employees and the Roma themselves.

Created in the framework of an EU project and since then funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, THARA has developed and implemented a series of successful labour integration measures for Roma and Romnja. What makes THARA special is the self-understanding of its work that regards labour market integration and ethnic identity not as separate but connected fields. With this integrative approach THARA aims at contributing to a fruitful co-existence between Roma and non-Roma in the world of work.

In their presentation, Verena Fabris und Gordana Djordjevic put a special focus on the project Thara Biznis (2013-14) aimed at fostering Roma entrepreneurship, reflecting the interest of the Roma population – who have traditionally been engaged in trade – in self-employment. The project focused on empowering the target group through small business coaching workshops and connecting, enhancing the visibility and supporting Roma and Sinti founders and entrepreneurs.