09.12 - 11.12.2021
BarCamp | via Zoom

'The OERcamp is a BarCamp on Open Education and Open Educational Resources (OER).

“BarCamp” means that everyone can contribute to the programme by submitting their sessions. It is a user-generated (un-)conference. A BarCamp is not only about sharing knowledge: Open issues, ongoing activities and joint reflection can take place in sessions, as well. It’s about sharing and co-creating knowledge, the open way!

The event communication will be in English. Workshop sessions in any other language are highly welcomed!

The OERcamp.global is hosted by the German Commission for UNESCO and Agentur J&K – Jöran und Konsorten, which has been hosting OERcamps since 2012.'

 Quelle und zur Veranstaltung: https://www.oercamp.de/global/

Kategorie Berlin Transfer | Erstellungsdatum Sonntag, 07. November 2021 00:00 | Letzte Bearbeitung Sonntag, 07. November 2021 17:42 | Erstellt von Super User | Hits 893